Proyecto: Cerro Chorcha

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Nombre Cerro Chorcha
Pais Panamá
Tipo de proyecto MINERIA
Inicio del proyecto 2007
Estudio de Impacto Ambiental No hay estudio
Georeferenciación (Lat/Long) 8.65 / -82.13


La empresa recibió una concesión de exploración minera del Ministerio de Comercio e Industria en 2006. Se inicia la exploración minera en Cerro Chorcha, corregimiento de Guariviara, Distrito de Kankintú, Comarca Ngöbe-Buglé el 5 de junio de 2009. El proyecto esta a cargo de las empresa Dominion Minerals Corp. (EEUU) The Cerro Chorcha Project consists of a metallic mineral exploration concession valid for 4 years with extensions available for another four years. The Project consists of 24,241.91 hectares in five rectangular blocks located in Chiriqui and Bocas Del Toro Provinces, about 290 kilometres west of Panama City and 66 kilometres from the Costa Rican border. The Project is accessed by an all-weather road that passes through the north western portion of the Concession, on one side of the Continental Divide. The land route from Panama City (located about 290 kilometres away) requires 8 hours of road travel, mostly along a paved four and two lane highway and then 24 kilometres of dirt road to the village of Soloy. The main exploration target (the Guariviara Zone) is located on the other side of the mountain range and is accessible by a one hour helicopter ride from Panama City or on foot. From the village of Soloy to the camp at the Guariviara Zone requires 1.5 days of travel by foot. The Project is located in steep mountain terrain and is covered with high altitude rain forest with annual rainfall estimated to be 6 metres. Temperatures in the high altitude zone average 20 to 25o Celsius with the occasional skiffs of snow at higher altitudes. Work can be conducted year round. Funte: